Music In My Life
The Badlees


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The Badlees are a band that were once on MTV. They hail from Central PA, and have come to be some of my favorite guys.

The columns are broken down by left to right: Millenium Music Conference '01, Border's in Camp Hill (which was actually before Millenium), and finally Ground Round on "Cinco de May-O" (Pete couldn't say much of anything in spanish).

The Badlees


This is a picture of Bret. He is the "genius" behind the sound that we call the Badlees.


This is a picture of Pete, he really gets into his singing.


This is a picture of Pete in concert at the MMC. Paul is in the back doing his thing.


This is a picture of Pete and Jeff in concert at a Borders in Camphill PA.


This is a picture of Gwen (left), Emily (Gwen's ex-friend), Pete, me and Jeff at a Borders in Camphill, PA.


This is a picture of Pete, and Ron (on drums) of the Badlees. This picture was taken at the Groundround on 5-5-01 (Cinco de Mayo).


That's Pete in a sombrero aka a helment after he hit his head on the tv. Ron's back ther laughing away at a how silly he looks.


This is a picture of Pete doing his little point at the sky thing. Ron is in the back playing his drums.


This is a great picture of Jeff playing his guitar.


This is a picture of from left to right, Pete, Ron, Gwen, me (Logan), and Jeff.