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No Show Ponies

No Show Ponies are a band that hail from Camphill, PA. I recently saw them for the first time at Cafe Venue (which is like my second home). They are an amazing band, and have a trully awesome sound.

Click on the links below to learn more about the No Show Ponies (NSP).


This is a picture of Jeff Brown (electric guitar), and Ben Brown (acoustic guitar, and vocals).


This is a picture of Jordan Shover (drums), and Jason Shover (bass).


This is a picture of Jason Shover on his bass.


This is a picture of Jeff (right), Ben (middle), and Jordan (in the back on drums).


This is a picture Ben Brown (acoustic guitar), and Jordan Shover (drums).


This is a picture of Ben, Jordan , and Jason.


This is a picture of Jason on his bass.


This is a picture of Ben, singing into his microphone.


This is a picture of Jeff (white shirt), and Ben (glasses, gold shirt).


This is another picture of Ben, Jordan, and Jason.


This is a picture of Jeff Brown.


This is a picture of Jordan (drums), and Jason (bass).


This is a picture of the boys of No Show Ponies. They look so handsome.


This is a picture of Ben.


This a picture of Jeff (left), Ben (right), and the back some where is Jordan playing the drums.


This is a picture of Ben (looking at something), Jordan (on drums), and Jason (on bass).


This is a picture of Jason, rocking out on his bass.

So the people from the West Shore, are just a little stuffy. But, my sister of course is the one to get a little fun going. Her and this guy, who I don't think we'll ever know the name of (actually we do know, it's Justin, Jordan and Jason's brother), and my mom all got up and danced to "Brown Eye Girl" (an excellent cover may I add), and these are pictures of what happened after that.


This is a picture of my sister Gwen, and Guns 'n' Roses guy (Justin). They were the first two to dance.


This is another picture of Gwen and Guns 'n' Roses guy (Justin). They made a good dancing couple.


This is a picture of Melanie (feather boa), my sister Alex (red tank), and my sister Gwen (pink/white shirt) dancing.


This is a picture of Melanie and Guns 'n' Roses guy (Justin), dancing.


This is a picture of Melanie (feather boa), and Shannon (normal dress). No Melanie doesn't normally dress like that. It was for class.


This is a picture of, in the front: Alex (red tank), Melanie (boas), and in the back Shannon (left), me (center), and Gwen (right). Gwen and I normally wouldn't be that red and puffy, but we had just had our wisdom teeth out that Wednesday (the concert was Friday).


This is Ben with Melanie's feather boas. We didn't put him up to it. He posed for us, and we snapped the picture.


These are the boys of No Show Ponies. From the left is Jason, Ben, Jeff, and Jordan.


This is picture of us with No Show Ponies.


This is a picture of some guy who wanted us to take his picture. As my mom and sister (Gwen) concluded he looks a little bit like Andy Kauffman. If anyone knows who it is, please do tell one of us, or him at least.